Sunday, April 7, 2013

journal 13

                                                       Parent Night!!!
                             Come join us April 7 th 2013 @ 6pm-8pm
Come and see what your child has done for the year! Also its a great time to visit and meet all the staff! Refreshments are provided!
                                          Hope to see you there!!!

journal 12

Parent teacher conference:
Kady has made progress in the following areas. When we are in a moment of transition she will stop and listen to what the next thing is and do it without being told again. 
The activities she enjoys the most: Art and the home living center. Kady is very good at using her imagination.
Kady gets most excited about circle time she enjoys story time.
The best form of redirection for her is quiet time by herself to read a book or work a puzzle.
One thing that could be worked on at home. Continue working on her ABC's and numbers.

journal 11

1.     Think about how you best see and remember information shared with you. How can you reach parents who are visual? Auditory? Kiniesthic? For the parents that are visual they need things up to see and read. We have a board by the door that lets parents know everything going on in the room for the month or anything their child may need. We also have a daily sheet for them each day. For our auditory parents who need to listen and speak we also make it a point to communicate with them at the beginning and end of the day. For our Kinestheic parent we have hand out given to them daily with notes from the teachers.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

journal 10

Pink Eye

What it is: Pinkeye (also called conjunctivitis) is redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface.

How it spreads: Poor hand-washing is the main cause of the spread of pinkeye. Sharing an object, such as a washcloth or towel, with a person who has pinkeye can spread the infection.

What to look for: crusty eye upon waking from sleep also the white of the eye will be pink

What you can do: Make an appointment to see your doctor and get on a prescription right away

At our center we constantly are disinfecting toys and try to keep virus from spreading by not letting children share toys. We also follow a strick policy that a child is not allowed back to the center until they have been on medication for 24 hours.

journal 9

Little Angels Parent Hand Book 

Fee policy

Accounts are paid in advance on Friday any payment made after Tuesday will receive an $20 late payment fee. We except checks or money orders made out to Little Angels. This center is staffed for a certain amount of children based on enrollment. Weekly fees are due whether your child attends all week or not. You fee secures the child spot and all material needed each day. If a child's account becomes delinquent in a two week period he or she will be unrolled and unable to attend this facility. but full payment will still be expected to pay off balance.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Journal 8 April News Letter

    Little Angel                                                                              Hudson Able
    April Newsletter                                                                      Bryce Burney
                                                                                                  ·Karis Cross
                                                                                                   Jackson Lewis
                                                                                                   Madison Ray

Dear Parents,                                                                            
James 5:13-15, “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him
pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick?
Let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing
him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the
sick, and the Lord will raise him up.”We have the amazing ability to take our
needs, hurts, praises, and wishes to the Lord at any time. God cares and He
listens when we take the time to have that relationship with Him. We want to be
about that here at Little Angel's as well.
April 2013

Dates to remember:
· Spring Break 
April 18th-22nd.
· Spring clean 
day April23rd, 9-12.
· Early Learning Guidelines 
Training April 
28th, 29th, and 
*This Month the Teacher's will be teaching about spring!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

journal 7 dressing for success/ what not to wear

When I dress for success I feel more professional and focused when in my "uniform." Also when I get home I can then relax and decompress by changing. It's a physical process and mindset cue, and helps keep work and play separate.I also feel more confident and feel better prepared in the workforce.  I also think it sends a message about who I am. Both personality wise, and work wise. I'm serious, take my work seriously. I value quality. I understand the importance of details, and first impressions. And if you go to work sloppy than your work will be sloppy. It's kinda like the saying you are what you eat. Going to work dressed professionally helps to motivate you to do a good job.